Oct 25, 2019
The nerds get settled in while the jocks party on. We address weighty topics like dorm art, who gets the bed by the window, and moonshine. Favorite extras in the slice are down to party hearty--until they're not. We're on Twitter (314Nerds) and gmail (314nerds@gmail) if you'd like to get in touch.
Oct 16, 2019
The nerds take the scenic route to their dorm and we get our first glimpse of the jocks. We marvel at such special skills featured like: minimalist packing for the college student, advanced havoc creation and, of course, stair diving. Find out who gets to have their name chanted like Ogre and some very...
Oct 7, 2019
Mr. Skolnick imparts his fatherly wisdom now that the nerds have arrived at Adams College. We discuss the very different turns this movie could have taken, an interesting way to calculate the boy/girl ratio and who's got the jitters.