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314nerds's podcast

Nov 22, 2020

It's all skits and giggles in this slice.  Christine and Robert discuss the highlights of the skit contest including the creation time/performance time ratio, who makes the ugliest Alpha "lady" and nonsensical costumes.  Find out the extras of the slice, perhaps a future serial killer, and we take a detour with Knight...

Oct 29, 2020

Lewis completes his transformation to the dark side as the Alpha Betas discover they're not the only purveyors of pi.  Robert and Christine discuss possible ways to redeem this scene, do some scratch math to figure out the going rate for each team's fundraising and the extras of the slice.  It's the episode that could...

Sep 25, 2020

Lamar "hurls" the Lambda Mu team into a surprising second place at the Greek games as the action turns next to the charity fundraiser.  We discuss the carnival costumes, Larry B. Scott's resume and the "birthmark" Christine and Robert strongly suspect Stan Gable has on his right cheek. Tune in for this and our extras of...

Sep 8, 2020

The Lambdas and Alpha Betas are playing tug of war with the Greek Games lead, but the nerds are determined to have a real gas.  Christine and Robert break down slice 21 of Revenge of the Nerds, with the extras of the slice showing a lot spirit and a lot of leg.  Find out how the Arizona sun and 80s fashion may have aged...

Aug 22, 2020

This slice finds us at the Greek Games with the nerds using their book smarts and street smarts to compete with the Alpha Betas. Get the details on why "Daisy Bell" is the #teamnerd anthem and which nerd voiced a hero in a half shell.